The site of land we will plant tiny Tuarts raised by bushland regenerator Mark Kennedy, from seed of giant forest trees that predate first settlement, ancient trees hundreds of years old. great-great-great grandparent trees. The west side of this pathway is healthy intact forest with understorey and summer greenery while this side of the pathway remnant trees are interspersed with empty space, barren, bare and dry. Once the forest floor was covered with green. Colonization brought stock animals that ate native undergrowth. They left behind droppings containing seed that in turn introduced wintergrass which dries out in November and is highly flammable.
Anyhoo ..... come and help us plant these Tuart seedlings. Forest understorey, banksias, peppermints, and wildflowers will be planted. Around 800 seedlings in all. We'll make a historical botanical park with these time-travelling tiny Tuarts.
DATE Saturday 29th April from 2pm. BLESSING OF THE TUARTS with Anglican Rev'd John Jones. TUCKER for afters. WITH City of Bunbury. SITE: Peppermint Walk, Maidens Reserve Ocean Drive. Let me know if you'd like to help?
The site of land we will plant tiny Tuarts raised by bushland regenerator Mark Kennedy, from seed of giant forest trees that predate first settlement, ancient trees hundreds of years old. great-great-great grandparent trees. The west side of this pathway is healthy intact forest with understorey and summer greenery while this side of the pathway remnant trees are interspersed with empty space, barren, bare and dry. Once the forest floor was covered with green. Colonization brought stock animals that ate native undergrowth. They left behind droppings containing seed that in turn introduced wintergrass which dries out in November and is highly flammable.
Anyhoo ..... come and help us plant these Tuart seedlings. Forest understorey, banksias, peppermints, and wildflowers will be planted. Around 800 seedlings in all. We'll make a historical botanical park with these time-travelling tiny Tuarts.
DATE Saturday 29th April from 2pm. BLESSING OF THE TUARTS with Anglican Rev'd John Jones. TUCKER for afters. WITH City of Bunbury. SITE: Peppermint Walk, Maidens Reserve Ocean Drive. Let me know if you'd like to help?