One thing my art depends on is nature in its natural state.
To this end a big concern of mine is the proliferation of artificial night-light.
There is a 2019 Australian scientific weblink which shows this is increasing across the world by 2% every year.
Here you will read of the many, many species of plants and animals - from the microscopic small and insignificant to the mightiest whales and trees that need naturally dark nights and the pull of the moon and moonlit nights.
The report is beautiful in itself and quite 'illuminating'. Do take a peepo.
To this end a big concern of mine is the proliferation of artificial night-light.
There is a 2019 Australian scientific weblink which shows this is increasing across the world by 2% every year.
Here you will read of the many, many species of plants and animals - from the microscopic small and insignificant to the mightiest whales and trees that need naturally dark nights and the pull of the moon and moonlit nights.
The report is beautiful in itself and quite 'illuminating'. Do take a peepo.
The report is still in its 'draft' stage, yet to be adopted by our Federal Government, which is disappointingly slow (and this is widely known by those active in the environmental world) to act on nature conservation matters).
Should we be alarmed? I know I am.
Should we be alarmed? I know I am.